The two main fish oil Omega 3 fatty acids, the EPA and DHA in small amounts can be synthesised in the body from alpha-linolenic acid (contained in vegetable oils, e.g. soya bean, linseed and rapeseed oils). However, this conversion
may be inefficient in some individuals so other sources would be necessary.
The recommended daily DHA/EPA intake in different coutries are different. The recommended very-long-chain n-3 (omega 3) fatty acids (EPA/DHA):
- UK Department of Heath: 1 200 mg daily
- British Nutrition Foundation: 2 1250 mg daily
- International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids: 650 mg daily
- The Danish Ministry of Health: 300 mg daily
- Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Ernahrung (DGE): 1500 mg daily
Fish oil in Wikipedia
Some information about fish oil in Wikipedia
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